Shoot and edit Food Photos on Mobile with Lightroom

Capturing mouthwatering food photography is an art that requires not just culinary skills but also photography expertise. With the right techniques and a powerful editing tool like Lightroom Mobile, you can transform your food photography skills from amateur to professional. In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process of shooting and editing food photos on your mobile using Lightroom Mobile, empowering you to create visually stunning images that will tantalize your viewers’ taste buds.

Shooting Food Photos with Your Mobile

  1. Lighting: Lighting plays a crucial role in food photography. Natural light is often the most flattering, so try to position your food near a window or outdoors during the day. If you’re shooting indoors, use artificial lights to create a soft and even illumination. Avoid harsh shadows and direct overhead lighting, which can make your food look unappealing.
  2. Composition: Composition is the arrangement of elements within your frame. Use negative space to isolate your food and make it the star of the show. Consider using props and backgrounds that complement the food without overpowering it.
  3. Background: A well-chosen background can elevate your food photography. Use a simple, neutral background to avoid distracting from the food itself. Consider using textures, patterns, or colors that harmonize with the food’s theme.
  4. Angle: Experiment with different angles to find the most flattering perspective for your food. Shooting from slightly above eye level often works well, as it allows you to capture the food’s details and dimensions without distorting its proportions.
  5. Props: Props can add visual interest and context to your food photos. Choose props that are relevant to the food’s theme and style. For instance, if you’re photographing a rustic dish, use wooden utensils and natural elements.
  6. Styling: Styling involves arranging and presenting the food to make it look as appealing as possible. Garnish your dishes with fresh herbs, colorful fruits, or edible flowers to add pops of color and texture.

Editing Food Photos with Lightroom Mobile

  1. Import: Import your food photos into Lightroom Mobile. You can transfer them from your camera roll or cloud storage.
  2. Crop and Straighten: Crop your photos to eliminate any unnecessary elements and focus on the main subject. Use the straighten tool to ensure your image is perfectly aligned.
  3. Enhance Exposure and Contrast: Adjust the exposure to brighten or darken the overall image. Use the contrast slider to increase or decrease the difference between light and dark areas.
  4. Adjust White Balance: White balance ensures that the colors in your photo appear accurate. Use the white balance tool to neutralize any unwanted color casts.
  5. Enhance Highlights and Shadows: Use the highlights and shadows sliders to fine-tune the brightness of the brightest and darkest areas in your photo. This can help bring out details and add depth to the image.
  6. Adjust Vibrance and Saturation: Vibrance increases the intensity of the colors without affecting skin tones, while saturation increases the intensity of all colors. Use these sliders to add vibrancy and richness to your food photos without making them look artificial.
  7. Sharpen: Sharpening enhances the crispness and clarity of your photo. Use the sharpening tool sparingly, as too much sharpening can make the image look unnatural.
  8. Export: Once you’re satisfied with your edits, export your photos in a high-quality format like JPEG or PNG.

Additional Tips

  • Use the preset feature to quickly apply a consistent editing style to your photos.
  • Experiment with different filters to add creative effects to your food photos.
  • Use the graduated filter tool to create a vignette effect or selectively adjust different parts of your photo.
  • Use the adjustment brush tool to make targeted edits to specific areas of your photo.


With practice and the help of Lightroom Mobile, you can master the art of food photography and create visually stunning images that will make your viewers’ mouths water. Remember to experiment, have fun, and let your creativity shine through your photos.