Save Your Photos in Adobe Lightroom

There are a few different ways to save your photos in Adobe Lightroom. You can save them as JPEGs, PNGs, or TIFFs. You can also save them as original files or as copies with your edits applied.

Saving as JPEGs

JPEGs are a common format for saving photos. They are compressed, which means that they are smaller in size than TIFFs or uncompressed RAW files. This makes them easier to upload to the web or to share with others. However, JPEGs are also lossy, which means that some of the original data is lost when the image is compressed. This can result in a loss of quality, especially in areas with high detail.

To save a photo as a JPEG in Lightroom, follow these steps:

  1. Go to File > Export.
  2. In the Export Preset panel, select JPEG from the Format drop-down menu.
  3. In the Quality slider, adjust the quality of the JPEG. Higher quality will result in a larger file size, but will also preserve more of the original data.
  4. In the Destination panel, select the location where you want to save the photo.
  5. Click Export.

Saving as PNGs

PNGs are another common format for saving photos. They are not compressed, which means that they do not lose any of the original data. This makes them a good choice for saving photos that you want to preserve in their original quality. However, PNGs are also larger in size than JPEGs.

To save a photo as a PNG in Lightroom, follow the same steps as for saving as a JPEG, but select PNG from the Format drop-down menu.

Saving as TIFFs

TIFFs are a lossless format, like PNGs. They are also larger in size than JPEGs. TIFFs are a good choice for saving photos that you want to preserve in their original quality and that you may want to edit further in another program.

To save a photo as a TIFF in Lightroom, follow the same steps as for saving as a JPEG, but select TIFF from the Format drop-down menu.

Saving as Original Files

You can also save your photos in Lightroom as original files. This will save the photo in its original format, such as RAW or DNG. This is a good choice if you want to preserve the original data of the photo and if you may want to edit it further in another program.

To save a photo as an original file in Lightroom, follow these steps:

  1. Go to File > Export.
  2. In the Export Preset panel, select Original from the Format drop-down menu.
  3. In the Destination panel, select the location where you want to save the photo.
  4. Click Export.

Saving as Copies with Edits Applied

You can also save your photos in Lightroom as copies with your edits applied. This will create a new file with your edits applied, but it will not overwrite the original file. This is a good choice if you want to save your edits but you also want to keep the original file untouched.

To save a photo as a copy with edits applied in Adobe Lightroom, follow these steps:

  1. Go to File > Export.
  2. In the Export Preset panel, select JPEG, PNG, or TIFF from the Format drop-down menu.
  3. In the Export To panel, select a new location for the photo.
  4. In the File Naming panel, select a name for the photo.
  5. Click Export.

I hope this helps!

Additional Tips

  • When saving your photos, it is important to choose a file format that is appropriate for your needs.
  • You should also save your photos to a location where you can easily find them.
  • It is also a good idea to back up your photos regularly to prevent data loss.