Photoshop Tutorial: Use Multiple Selection Tools to Cut Out a Keyhole

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use multiple selection tools in Photoshop to cut out a keyhole from an image. This technique can be used to isolate the keyhole for further editing or to create a new image that features the keyhole prominently.

Step 1: Open the Image and Select the Outline of the Keyhole

  1. Begin by opening the image you want to edit in Photoshop.
  2. Once the image is open, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool from the Tools panel. This tool is useful for making precise selections around objects with sharp edges.
  3. Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to select the outline of the keyhole. Be sure to get as close as possible to the edges of the keyhole without selecting any of the surrounding background.

Step 2: Adjust the Selection with the Magnetic Lasso Tool

  1. Once the outline of the keyhole is selected, switch to the Magnetic Lasso Tool. This tool is helpful for making selections around objects with irregular edges.
  2. Follow the outline of the keyhole, clicking and dragging around the edges. The Magnetic Lasso Tool will automatically snap to the edges of the keyhole, making it easier to select a precise area.
  3. As you use the Magnetic Lasso Tool, you may need to adjust its settings to ensure it is selecting the desired area. You can do this by clicking the Options Bar and adjusting the Edge Detection and Smoothness settings.

Step 3: Create a New Layer and Fill it with Black

  1. Once the keyhole is selected, create a new Layer by clicking the Create a New Layer button in the Layers Panel.
  2. Select the Paint Bucket Tool from the Tools panel and ensure the Foreground Color is set to Black.
  3. Click inside the selected area of the keyhole to fill it with black. This will create a new layer that contains only the keyhole outline.

Step 4: Refine the Selection with the Eraser Tool

  1. If there are any areas of the keyhole outline that are not completely filled in, you can use the Eraser Tool to remove them.
  2. Select the Eraser Tool from the Tools panel and ensure the Opacity is set to 100%.
  3. Carefully erase any areas of the black layer that are not part of the keyhole outline. Be sure to be precise, as any mistakes will be visible in the final image.

Step 5: Create a Clipping Mask

  1. With the keyhole layer selected, click the Create Clipping Mask button in the Layers Panel.
  2. This will create a clipping mask that will hide the black layer outside of the keyhole outline.

Step 6: Fine-tune the Clipping Mask

  1. If the clipping mask is not perfect, you can refine it by making adjustments to the keyhole layer.
  2. Use the Move Tool to reposition the keyhole if needed.
  3. Use the Lasso Tool or Refine Edge tool to adjust the edges of the keyhole outline.

Step 7: Add Finishing Touches

  1. If there are any remaining imperfections in the keyhole, you can use the Clone Stamp Tool to copy and paste areas of the keyhole that are perfectly aligned.
  2. You can also use the Blur Tool or Sharpen Tool to slightly soften or sharpen the edges of the keyhole, as needed.

Step 8: Save the Image

  1. Once you are satisfied with the keyhole, you can save the image. To do this, go to the File menu and select Save As or Save.


By following these steps, you can learn how to use multiple selection tools in Photoshop to cut out a keyhole from an image. This technique can be used to create unique and creative images.