Photoshop Tutorial: Remove Stains from an Old Photo

Old photographs can be treasured keepsakes, but they can also be marred by stains and other damage. Luckily, there are a number of tools in Adobe Photoshop that can be used to remove these blemishes and restore your photos to their former glory.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to use the Spot Healing Brush tool, the Clone Stamp tool, and the Healing Brush tool to remove stains from an old photo.


Step 1: Open the photo

Open the photo you want to restore in Adobe Photoshop.

Step 2: Choose the Spot Healing Brush tool

The Spot Healing Brush tool is a great tool for removing small, isolated stains. It works by sampling pixels from the surrounding area and replacing the stained pixels with the sampled pixels.

To select the Spot Healing Brush tool, go to the Tools panel and click on the Brush tool. Then, click and hold the mouse button down until the fly-out menu appears. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool from the menu.

Step 3: Set the brush settings

The size of the brush should be slightly larger than the stain you want to remove. The opacity of the brush should be set to 100%.

Step 4: Remove the stains

Click and hold the mouse button down on the stain and drag the brush over it. The Spot Healing Brush tool will automatically replace the stained pixels with the sampled pixels.

Step 5: Use the Clone Stamp tool for larger stains

The Clone Stamp tool is a good tool for removing larger stains that are not isolated. It works by copying pixels from one area of the image and pasting them over another area.

To select the Clone Stamp tool, go to the Tools panel and click on the Brush tool. Then, click and hold the mouse button down until the fly-out menu appears. Select the Clone Stamp tool from the menu.

Step 6: Choose a source point

Hold down the Alt (Option) key on your keyboard and click on an area of the image that is similar in texture and color to the area where you want to remove the stain. This will be your source point.

Step 7: Remove the stain

Hold down the Alt (Option) key again and click and drag the brush over the stain. The Clone Stamp tool will copy pixels from the source point and paste them over the stain.

Step 8: Use the Healing Brush tool for complex repairs

The Healing Brush tool is the most versatile tool for removing stains from old photos. It works by blending pixels from the surrounding area with the sampled pixels. This makes it a good choice for removing complex stains that have irregular edges.

To select the Healing Brush tool, go to the Tools panel and click on the Brush tool. Then, click and hold the mouse button down until the fly-out menu appears. Select the Healing Brush tool from the menu.

Step 9: Choose a source point and sample the stain

Hold down the Alt (Option) key on your keyboard and click on an area of the image that is similar in texture and color to the stain you want to remove. This will be your source point.

Step 10: Paint over the stain

Click and drag the brush over the stain. The Healing Brush tool will blend pixels from the source point with the sampled pixels, creating a seamless repair.

Step 11: Save your work

Once you are happy with the results, save your work.


  • For best results, use a high-resolution scan of your old photo. This will give you more detail to work with.
  • Be patient. Removing stains can be a slow and tedious process. Don’t try to rush it, or you may end up making the stains worse.
  • Experiment with different tools and settings until you find what works best for you.