Lightroom Tutorial: Reduce Noise in your Photo

Noise is a common issue in digital photography, especially in low-light situations. It can make your photos look grainy and unpleasant, and it can be difficult to remove without sacrificing detail.

Fortunately, Lightroom has a powerful noise reduction tool that can help you clean up your photos and make them look their best. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Lightroom’s noise reduction tool to reduce noise in your photos.

Step 1: Zoom in on the area with noise

The first step is to zoom in on the area of your photo that has the most noise. This will help you see the noise more clearly and make it easier to adjust the settings.

To zoom in on a specific area of your photo, use the Zoom tool in the Navigator panel. You can also use the Zoom slider in the Toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2: Open the Details panel

Once you have zoomed in on the area with noise, open the Details panel. This panel contains the noise reduction settings.

To open the Details panel, click on the Details tab in the Develop module.

Step 3: Adjust the Luminance slider

The Luminance slider is the main noise reduction setting. It controls the amount of noise that is removed from the luminance (brightness) of your photo.

To adjust the Luminance slider, drag it to the right. The more you drag it to the right, the more noise will be removed.

Step 4: Adjust the Color slider

The Color slider controls the amount of noise that is removed from the color of your photo.

To adjust the Color slider, drag it to the right. The more you drag it to the right, the more noise will be removed.

Step 5: Adjust the Detail slider

The Detail slider controls how much detail is preserved when noise is removed.

To adjust the Detail slider, drag it to the right. The more you drag it to the right, the more detail will be preserved.

Step 6: Adjust the Contrast slider

The Contrast slider can help to offset any loss of contrast that occurs when noise is removed.

To adjust the Contrast slider, drag it to the right. The more you drag it to the right, the more contrast will be added.

Step 7: Adjust the Sharpening slider

The Sharpening slider can help to make your photo look sharper after noise is removed.

To adjust the Sharpening slider, drag it to the right. The more you drag it to the right, the more sharpening will be added.


  • Be careful not to overdo it with the noise reduction settings. Too much noise reduction can make your photo look soft and unnatural.
  • Experiment with different settings to find the best results for your photo.
  • Use the Preview panel to see how your changes will affect your photo before you apply them.


Noise reduction is an important part of digital photography. By using Lightroom’s noise reduction tool, you can clean up your photos and make them look their best.

We hope this tutorial was helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Additional tips

  • If you are shooting in low-light conditions, try to use a higher ISO setting. This will help to reduce noise, but it can also make your photo look grainy.
  • If you are using a tripod, try to use a slower shutter speed. This will also help to reduce noise.
  • If you are editing a RAW file, you can use Lightroom’s Noise Reduction profile. This profile will apply a set of noise reduction settings that are specifically designed for RAW files.

We hope these additional tips help you to reduce noise in your photos.