From Raw Recordings to Polished Perfection: How to Edit a Podcast in Adobe Audition

So you've captured your brilliant podcast content, but the journey isn't over yet. Transforming those raw recordings into a smooth, engaging listening experience requires the magic of editing. For many podcasters, Adobe Audition reigns supreme as the tool of choice. Let's delve into the essential steps to make your podcast shine in Audition, whether you're a seasoned audio pro or just starting out.

1. Importing and Organizing:

Begin by importing your audio files: interviews, intros, outros, sound effects, and music. Audition provides several options: drag and drop, importing from folders, or using the "File" menu. Name your files descriptively to avoid confusion later.

2. Multitrack Magic:

Create a new "Multitrack Session" to arrange your audio on separate tracks. This allows you to manipulate each element independently, like adjusting volume, adding effects, and performing precise edits. Drag and drop your files onto different tracks, placing intros, Outros, and music at the beginning and end, with your main content in the middle.

3. Editing Fundamentals:

The "Selection Tool" becomes your best friend. Use it to highlight unwanted sections: extraneous pauses, stumbles, or repetitive phrases. Hit "Delete" to remove them, creating a tighter flow. For more granular edits, zoom in on the waveform to pinpoint specific clicks, mouth noises, or background noise. Use the "Razor Tool" to split the audio at those points and remove the unwanted snippets.

4. Noise Reduction:

Background noise can be a podcast pet peeve. Audition offers a powerful "Noise Reduction" tool. Select a quiet section of your recording that represents the unwanted noise, click "Capture Profile," then select your entire audio and hit "Apply." This intelligently removes the noise without affecting the desired audio.

5. Leveling Up Consistency:

Inconsistent volume levels are jarring for listeners. Audition's "Normalize" tool helps even things out. Select the audio you want to adjust, choose "Normalize," and set the desired peak level (usually around -3 dB). This ensures consistent loudness without clipping.

6. Sweetening the Sound:

Enhance your audio with the "Essential Sound" panel. It includes basic EQ adjustments to boost clarity, reduce muddiness, or emphasize specific frequencies. Experiment with the presets and sliders to find what works best for your voice and content.

7. Adding Polish:

Music and sound effects can elevate your podcast's production value. Use the "Browse" panel to access royalty-free audio assets from Adobe Marketplace or import your own. Place them on separate tracks and adjust their volume and timing to blend seamlessly.

8. Mixing It Up:

The "Mixer" window gives you ultimate control over your audio mix. Adjust individual track levels, pan them (position them left or right in the stereo image), and apply effects like compression to even out volume fluctuations. Mastering tools let you further refine the overall sound for different listening platforms.

9. Exporting Your Masterpiece:

Once you're satisfied, export your podcast as a high-quality audio file compatible with podcasting platforms. Choose settings like MP3, set appropriate bitrate and sample rate, and add necessary metadata like title and artist information.

10. Beyond the Basics:

As you progress, explore Audition's deeper features. Learn about fades, crossfades, ducking (lowering background music when someone speaks), and using markers to organize your edits. Experiment with more advanced effects like reverb, delay, and distortion to add creative flair.


Practice makes perfect! Don't be afraid to experiment and have fun in your editing journey. Adobe Audition offers a wealth of resources and tutorials to help you master the art of podcast editing. With dedication and these tips, your podcast will soon be captivating listeners with its polished sound and engaging content.